How To Watch Porn For Free On Your iPhone, iPad, And Apple TV

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    Feb 14, 2014, 9:15 am62.1k ptsInsanely Great

    iPhone porn website watch

    Even though there aren't any porn apps in the App Store, that doesn't mean there aren't ways to conveniently get porn on your iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV via other means. And in many cases you can even do so for free. So if you're interested, and hey we aren't here to judge, follow along!

    Before we begin, I'll take a second to mention that you can enable private browsing on your iPhone or iPad so no one can see what you've been up to. It's a good idea if you're using an iPad or another device that other people have access to. If you aren't sure how to do so, you can follow our guide.

    How to watch porn on your iPhone and iPad with mobile Safari

    1. Launch Safari on your iPhone or iPad.
    2. At this point, enable private browsing if you'd like to using the guide above.
    3. Type in the address bar iPhone porn or iPad porn and hit Go.
    4. You will immediately be bombarded with search results for all kinds of porn sites.

    watch iPhone iPad porn

    As for recommendations and picking one, it's really up to you but crowd favorites seem to be some of the sites listed below. And by all means, share your favorites in the comments as well!

    • Pornhub
    • YouPorn
    • Xshare
    • RedTube

    How to stream porn from your iPhone or iPad to your Apple TV

    1. From your iPhone or iPad, follow the directions in the previous section and start playing the video of you're liking.
    2. Now tap on the AirPlay icon in the in the bottom right corner.
    3. In the popup menu, tap on the name of your Apple TV.
    4. That's all there is to it, your porn should now start streaming to the big screen.

    watch porn on apple tv

    If you don't see your Apple TV when trying to AirPlay content, be sure your iPhone or iPad and your Apple TV are on the same wireless network.

    How do you watch porn on your iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV?

    Like I said earlier, we aren't here to judge and if you've got tips on watching porn on your iPhone, iPad, or Apple TV, be sure to leave them in the comments. Do you have a favorite site or do you use different ones? Let us know that too!

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