Embracing Tech: 4 Top Apps For Busy Mums

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    Jul 31, 2023, 1:09 pm1.9k ptsInteresting

    Hello to all you marvellous mums out there! Ready to conquer that shiny new Apple device you've just got your hands on? Don't worry; we've got your back. Buckle up for a fun-filled, easy-to-follow guide that'll make you an Apple aficionado in no time, and help you find some key apps to use on your phone to allow you to manage your busy schedules.

    Getting App-solutely Fabulous

    One of the best things about Apple devices is the wealth of apps at your disposal. It's all just a tap away on the App Store.

    Launch the App Store by tapping on the blue icon with the 'A'. Browse categories, explore hand-picked collections, or just type what you're after in the search bar. Tap 'Get' to download your chosen app, and it'll appear on your home screen, ready to use.

    And here are four apps we think can help you and your new iPhone get off to a great start.



    Now, we know how busy being a parent can be. You need to find time to go the gym, go shopping so you can cook dinner, juggle play dates for the little ones, and for some mums, you may even need help managing your business.

    Well, Howbout is a great app that allows you to schedule appointments in a calendar on your phone. But, it's so much more than that because you can share your calendars with other people so they know when you're free and when not to bother you. And those play dates? You can send out invitations to other mums from the app to schedule those as well. But best of all, the app will also remind you of upcoming appointments so you never run late again. Howbout that?

    Bingo Buddy

    Now, you've had a busy week and you want to go and let your hair down. What better way to do that than gathering with your friends and going to play a spot of bingo? But, it's been a while and you can't remember where your local hall is, what time it's open, or the price of tickets.

    Don't worry, you can download the Buzz Bingo Buddy app, where you can not only link your account to the Buzz Bingo website so you can play bingo slots online, but you can also search for all the details for your local bingo hall. And, thanks to the way that the Buzz app works, you can also chat with your friends on there as well, discussing your plans for meeting up and making sure you have the best time possible.

    mum relaxing


    Now, if you don't have many friends to go to bingo with, this app is going to be a lifesaver. The Peanut app is there to help mums find other mum friends. Whether you're looking for someone local to meet up with for a coffee, or you're just after some advice from a more experienced mum because you're new to parenting, Peanuy can be a real lifesaver for your social life and for building a great support network of likeminded people.


    Before you schedule the big shop in your calendar, a great app that can help is Trolley. This app is a comparison app that allows you to check the prices of products across all major supermarkets. Just type in the products you want, and they'll pop with the prices at each store, so you can see the cheapest place to find them.

    This can not only help you find where has the items you want but also save a lot of money. We all know kids get costly and can eat you out of house and home, and Trolley will help you find the best deals and where to get them, so you can better schedule where you need to go. And don't forget to download the supermarket rewards apps too for even more bargains.

    So there you have it, ladies. With this guide, you're all set to become a tech-savvy mum and make the most of your Apple device. Remember, it's all about managing your time well and not running yourself too thin. So, embrace these apps and let the good times roll!

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