Does your smartphone need antivirus software? In case you own an Apple device, you think no. Apple devices are famous not only for their quality but also for their security system, which is already pre-installed by the developer. When we buy a MacBook or an iPhone, we know that there are no further manipulations required. You don't need to search for the latest antivirus update to install it before using your gadget as you wish. The company has already taken care of this.
So, you start using your device immediately. However, the issue of safety remains. Are you sure you don't need a VPN additionally? Let's look at Apple devices from a cybersecurity perspective. Maybe searching for Best vpn rating for Mac won't be such a kill time thing to do anymore.

VPN on Mac: a Good or a Bad Idea?
Having any sort of antivirus software on Windows is definitely a good idea. The same way, having a VPN on a MacBook is the best thing you can do for online privacy and security.
We are used to the fact that Mac devices can take care of themselves without external support. All we have to do is to update software on time. But this doesn't work if talking about security online.
It is a huge mistake to consider a VPN to be an analogue to an antivirus. They are two different software pieces, which work in an absolutely different way. A VPN is more than just an antivirus. Let's discover why.
First of all, a VPN operates in a completely different way and has a bigger spectrum of functions than an average antivirus software. A VPN stands for a virtual private network. It is a tool, which creates a secure connection (a secure and private network) between your computer and a server. This means a VPN works in the way to provide a secure Internet connection by not allowing anyone else out there to see what you're doing online. No matter what computer or operating system you have, a virtual private network has the same effect. It doesn't matter a lot, which VPN you have as well. All of them function in a pretty similar way.

You can check this site to get a deeper understanding of how to give preference to a certain VPN service when all of them have almost an identical principle of work.
Let's come to the functions. As we have already mentioned, a VPN is much more than an antivirus in the number of functions it has.
So, it is used for:
- - Online data protection based on the encryption technology
- - Online anonymity
- - Unlimited Internet access (providing access to previously blocked websites)
The last question to address is whether you need a VPN on iPhone as well? Or is it enough to protect your laptop only?
If you have ever used your iPhone to connect to a global network through a free WiFi signal, then you must have a VPN on a smartphone too. For more info, check and keep abreast of current events in the cybersecurity world.