Most people couldn't survive a day without their smartphones. After all, you rely on it for everything from communication to navigation and entertainment. Considering the fact that the majority of these devices cost a pretty penny, you should do your best to ensure they are protected. Apart from protecting your smartphone and making it more durable, a case will provide aesthetical appeal and a chance to showcase part of your personality. With that being said, why not try making your own custom phone case instead of going to a nearby store and just buying one.
However, if you don't want to go through the hassle of making your own phone case but still want something unique, you should choose a design and have someone make it for you. Know that there are websites that make custom iPhone cases, according to your specifications. You can choose the case type, design, and the type of finish it will have.
Following are some ideas of making your own custom phone case:

Denim iPhone Case
Do you have an old pair of jeans lying around that are too small for you? Have you ever thought of turning them into a denim iPhone case? This DIY retro case is both tough and durable and will help protect your device in the event of a fall. It's extremely easy to make a case from old jeans; you just need to cut out a strip, fold it over and sew it together. The part of your jeans you decide to use is completely on you, but perhaps the coolest part is the one with the leather label on the waistband.
Decorating an iPhone Case
Just because you want to make your own custom iPhone case doesn't mean you have to build it from scratch. Instead, consider buying a plain case and then decorating it. The first thing you'll need to do is decide whether you want a hard or soft case. When it comes to decorating an iPhone case, it's recommended that you get something made from plastic or aluminum, since they feature a smoother surface.
Now that you've chosen a good plain case, your next step should be determining how you want to decorate it. You should start by sketching out your design on a piece of paper that matches the dimensions of your case. You will have a number of different decorations to choose from. For instance, you can use acrylic paint to draw shapes, animals, or your favorite album cover. Keep in mind that oil paints and watercolor won't stick properly to the surface of your case, which is why you should avoid using them. Some of the other materials you can use for decorating your iPhone case include nail polish, stickers, glitter, glue, and jewels.
When you get a new smartphone, one of the first things you should think about is how to ensure it is protected. Accidents happen all of the time, and your new iPhone shouldn't be destroyed just because you dropped it. And if you own a quality case, this will never happen. While you'd be faced with countless great options if you went searching for a case now, the best way to stand out from the crowd is to make a custom case.