Factors Affecting The Anonymity of a VPN Purchase

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    By Partner EditorialsOct 14, 2019, 5:18 am1.7k ptsInteresting

    With the rise of numerous cyber threats, many people are starting to look for ways to increase their security on the internet. Most have discovered that one of the ways to do that is to use a VPN.

    Aside from keeping your computer secure, VPN also protects your privacy, such as the anonymity of your purchases.

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    What is a VPN?

    VPN, also known as Virtual Private Network, serves as a layer of protection to hide your internet protocol (IP) address via a private line across a public internet network. By doing this, you have increased security and privacy when surfing the internet.

    Having a VPN will give you better peace of mind knowing that your identity is masked. On top of that, you're also keeping your personal data and browsing history from the prying eyes of others that might hack into your internet network. Moreover, this is also risk mitigation for identity theft. Your emails and even your purchases will be protected by a VPN.

    Here are some factors affecting the anonymity of a VPN purchase:

    1. Server Location

    One of the things that affect the anonymity of a VPN purchase is the server location. With VPN, you can select a certain VPN server location without having to be physically in that location. For instance, you're on your laptop browsing through Sephora in Tokyo, Japan. However, if you change the settings of your VPN, you can choose a VPN server location in the United States of America.

    So, when you make a purchase, records will show that the purchase was made in the United States of America and not in Tokyo. This automatically masks your location and affects your anonymity.

    2. IP Address

    Usually, your internet service provider (ISP) will be able to view your browsing history since they know your original IP address. Since you provide personal information when applying to an ISP, your ISP will be able to trace any kind of data they find back to you including your purchases.

    With a VPN, this won't be the case anymore. Once you have a VPN, your IP address will be hidden from your ISP. The VPN will use an encrypted connection to connect to your ISP. This way, your ISP won't be able to see your purchases on VPN anymore.

    3. Online Payments

    Since purchases from credit cards can be tracked, VPNs have now started transacting with cryptocurrency. This makes your purchase more anonymous and harder to trace as compared to credit cards that leave a paper trail back to you. With VPN confidential payments will remain untraceable with cryptocurrency.

    Another option that some VPN providers offer is payments via gift cards. VPN providers will just give you a gift card amount equivalent to the VPN service you need. You just need to go to any store and purchase a gift card. Then, you just need to digitally transfer the gift card to a VPN provider. Usually, the value of a gift card vis-a-vis the VPN service in cash is 20% less.

    4. Information On Sign Up

    When you sign up, there are several kinds of personal information that a VPN will ask of you. Depending on the VPN, sign up requirements will affect a VPN purchase.

    If you want to remain anonymous, you must get a VPN that will allow you to sign up anonymously. Examples of these are giving you a random username and password with limited information requirements from you.

    Some will only require email confirmation just for formality. So, for these kinds of situations, you must create a secure email address that is not tied to your identity to keep your purchases anonymous. When you create this new email address, make sure that you don't use your real name on the sign-up pages.

    5. Public Wifi

    When you make a VPN purchase and you don't want it to be traced back to your IP address, you can use public Wifi to sign up and buy a VPN. Public Wifi's IP address cannot be traced back to you since there are so many users at different times.

    You can easily do this in highly populated areas with public wifi, such as malls, coffee shops, event arenas, schools, offices, hospitals, and more.


    Whether it's to anonymously purchase an item or VPN online, you need to consider these factors to protect your anonymity. Choose the right VPN to keep your purchases anonymous.

    You just need to do a little research on VPN providers and check out the factors mentioned above.

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