By Partner EditorialsNov 18, 2019, 8:41 am1.1k ptsSpecial Content
The truth is that no matter how cool you think your website looks on the outside, your visitor numbers will struggle to grow if you don't optimize user experience data.
While yes, you may have spent hours writing the perfect SEO tailored content, your website also needs to deliver a personalized and engaging user service in order to stand out from the crowd.
There are many great examples of user experience out there, but casinos tend to do the best job of executing designs that keep customers coming back for more. We've come a long way from the days of cramming as much as possible onto a homepage, and now there's simply no going back. Here are 5 user experience optimizations that every business can learn from casinos.
Have a clear call to action
While you may think that absolutely everything about your business is worthy of a place on your home page, it's important to think about what your customers are really there for. When it comes to casinos, customers aren't visiting to read about the building's history, they're visiting to gamble. Operators are more than aware of this, so make sure to clearly direct customers to where they can play games.
A good way to organize your homepage content is through the ‘Z-Pattern' - the way that most people will scan down a website before deciding whether to stay. Visitors are only likely to stop and read if something catches their eye, and for casino sites, that's usually a large ‘sign up now' or ‘register' button. Consider what your audience wants from your site, and make it stand out. The human attention span is very short - don't waste any time!
Optimize for all screens
A shocking 52.2% of all website traffic worldwide was generated through mobile phones in 2018, meaning your website needs to be fully optimized for mobile, tablet, and desktop use. With the legalization of online and mobile gambling in the US, casinos now know more than anyone that they need to be prepared in order to retain customers.
By categorizing games by their type and name, casino operators manage to successfully entice customers without overfacing them with a busy homepage. Casino websites also tend to make personalized suggestions to returning customers based on their play history, making the site super convenient and easy to get around.
Gambling News Magazine mentions the success of MGM Resorts Las Vegas - the operator currently offers a cloud-based app that lets their guests play their favorite games from the comfort of their own hotel room. The app also allows users to explore nearby attractions and make dinner reservations within the property.
Display key functionalities
If a user gets lost on your site, the likelihood is that they won't stick around very long to find what they're looking for. Alongside a great, decluttered homepage, however, there are a few key functionalities you can display to keep potential customers. Making sure your website has a search bar, help button, and contact details section is crucial to showing customers that you care about their experience on your site. You should display these neatly and clearly on your website's menu.
Casinos are often the very best at this, and most even offer a live chat bar so visitors can ask the questions they want the answers to quickly and easily. Most of these chats are ran using artificial intelligence, too, so you need not worry about wasting precious staff time.
By using IoT, or the Internet of Things, game operators keep players engaged through periodic notifications, loyalty rewards, and by receiving consistent feedback from players and devices, Weekly Slot News explains. AI is part of this amazing new discovery which will help the total revenue of the gambling industry reach $635 billion by 2022.
Consider your color scheme
Picking the perfect color scheme to better your site's visitor numbers may seem a little silly now, but there's lots of psychology behind colors which can certainly increase your conversion rate. Hitting the customer's emotions is the best way to persuade them to stay on your site and purchase through you, so you should aim to hit them (metaphorically) with the right colors.
Online Casino Gems a site that provides users with the latest free spins, no deposit, and first deposit bonuses at online casinos in New Jersey - is a great example of a fully optimized site.
It combines an effective color scheme that entices an audience with a clear call to action and key functionalities, all of which we've discussed above. By showing the visitor exactly where they need to go to view the very best bonuses in town, they're much more likely to stick with the site rather than find a competitor.
Use incentives to your advantage
While 4 out of 5 of our tips today have come from the world of online casinos, there's actually a lot that can be learned about the online world from land-based resorts - mainly based on incentives. It's well known that casino waiters will hand out free drinks to players at casinos in the hope that they will gamble more, and it's even better known that these waiters will try to target the big spenders on the poker table rather than those lingering around the penny slots.
So what do we learn from this? Every business website should be working to incentivize its core customers in any way possible. After all, these are the people that will keep your business running long-term. Try offering discounts to returning homepage customers, for example.
Keeping your loyal customers' spending will quickly become the bread and butter of your income. You shouldn't completely disregard new custom, however, just make sure to give them the cola mixers of the casino world, rather than the cocktail pitchers. After all, The Business Journals makes the very valid point that loyal customers tend to demand less, don't haggle on price, and are more likely to send along referrals.