Useful Apps For College Students in App Store

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    By Partner EditorialsDec 1, 2019, 11:29 am5.7k ptsInsanely Great

    When you are a student, sometimes you are unable to catch the rhythm of life because you have a massive burden on your shoulders in terms of affairs related to your university life. In that case, you may have not only solid problems regarding your homework assignments but also miss precious moments of your generation. In consequence, one may become desperate and try to buy college essays online in order to return to life. But, for you, we provided a catalog of useful applications, which are to help you to combine your university routine and spare time.

    iPhone in hand

    Google Drive

    Well, it does not need any explanation. If you use this app, you can reach all your files with synchronized gadgets, whether it is a tablet, phone, or computer. Don't be afraid to lose them- they are safely backed up, and you can continue editing your documents from the last session at any time. Plus, you can give permissions to other users to edit or add information to documents. Drive gives you 15GB of free storage, shared across Google Photos, Gmail, and Google Drive itself.

    It is beneficial when you have some projects to do with your classmates; you even do not need to see each other to complete that presentation about the economy of the US.


    Evernote helps you to be up-to-date with things that are most important for you. Use it for your to-do's stuff, set reminders, save lists of US online lesson writing in order to meet an important deadline, organize your tasks, and make it visible via all your devices.

    Class Timetable

    Make this app your best friend during your academic year. Keep track of classes, add extra notes if there is some quiz supposed to be or whatsoever. The interface is exceptionally amiable, so it will be a pleasure to use it for your schooling purposes. There are a variety of features included in the app: The Perfect Schedule App, Keep Track of Homework, and PRO Features.

    The Perfect Schedule was invented to be on track with your subjects and other class related stuff, so you will miss neither lessons nor tests you might forget about.

    Keep Track of Homework helps you to be prepared for the subjects beforehand; also, it can be set up as a reminder, so you will know when the best time to start doing your assignment is.

    PRO Features is an excellent solution when it comes to the changes of your schedule. By that, you are always up-to-date with any corrections related to your university life (for example, class cancellations).

    Nike Training Club

    Doing sports in university life has never been so easy. This app is to help you to subordinate your active life with the studies so you will always be fit no matter how many classes you have. By using Personalized Workout Recommendations, you are sure to have the most suitable drills based on your routine. Plus, if you are a long-time patron of the app, you will get more personal recommendations as well as full support regarding your technique and individual plan.

    Meal and Grocery Planning

    We could not pass by this app for the reason that in a complex with a previous one, you will achieve your sports goals way faster. Just imagine how sporty you will be if you will follow the guidance from the Nike App and stick to the proper diet, which is high in fiber, protein, and other supplements essential to our body. With Meal and Grocery Planning, you are likely to create a system of your daily recipes, meal planning, and unique ingredients. It is fully custom-tailored, so you can set up the nearest shops to purchase food and, therefore, save your time.


    Show us a student who is not a real music fan. Music relieves our harsh university routine, so having an excellent platform to ease our life by listening to the newest songs by our most adorable musicians is a must. Spotify performs our requirements to the fullest. It possesses a diversity of features, which make our music listening procedures more charming.

    Offline Element. By that, you can save music into your cache and listen to it whenever you want so that you will not be irritated with a bad Internet connection.

    Discounts. Because you are a student, you are entitled to have a 50% discount, so having a premium account in Spotify won't cost you a fortune. You will have full access to all the music, find your best album, and put it on a replay.

    A Bunch of Final Words

    In order to adorn student's life with some perks, which are to ease their lives, we did our best and built a scheme of most handy apps. Having those apps on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop will liberate a substantial amount of time spent on your studies, so check them and enjoy fulfilling all your tasks with pleasure.

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