How to Successfully Trade Bitcoins Like a Pro?

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    By Partner EditorialsApr 6, 2020, 1:25 pm7.7k ptsInsanely Great

    If you wish to trade Bitcoin like a pro you should learn from the mistakes of your past trades. It is important to follow specific guidelines and rules so that you do not end up making trade blunders and lose a lot of money in the process. Here are some tips that can help you trade Bitcoins successfully:

    bitcoin coin

    It is important to track and analyze trade charts and graphs if you have to earn more profits. Revenge trading must be avoided at all costs. If a trade has been discontinued for a reason, there should not be any other reason to re-enter the trade right away. Because of revenge trading which is usually done by emotional traders, there are huge losses.

    It is also not a good idea to engage in crypto trading during the weekends. Weekend prices are typically volatile and predicting the price movements is difficult. Besides, weekends should be devoted to spending quality time with friends and family instead of sitting in front of the computers for reading charts. A break is needed to think clearly and make the right trading calls.

    It is advisable to maintain proper trading hours and stick to these. The crypto market will be open 24x7 but one cannot humanly trade at all times. So, you need to set hours for trading and consider this to be a job. This way you will not be glued to the smartphone all the time trying to monitor the charts; you can devote the rest of the time to doing other constructive things. There are automated trading bots that help you carry out the bitcoin trading autonomously. There are many automated trading bots available in the market and if you have specific doubts like Bitcoin revolution is it a scam you should know the truth before starting the trade.

    Being obsessed with a single crypto asset can be a hazard. You are likely to make flawed decisions. When you are trading the Bitcoin you must take advantage of inefficiency on part of others and make money when others are leaning on the wrong side. You have to trade without attachment or emotions.

    When you start trading it is normal to keep checking multiple indicators, trade patterns and news sources; too much of analysis however can be detrimental. If you find something on the chart that you feel will work you should go for it and set your stop-loss targets.

    Trading is not something that you should do when you are mentally agitated; without the right mindset trading will not work. So, you should ideally have a life beyond the crypto space. It is important to play sports and indulge in other hobbies to take your mind off. You should however keep a journal although it is a boring task. This will highlight your mistakes and successes and ensure that you trade better the next time.

    You should never try to catch a falling knife as a trader. This attempt to buy an asset because it is falling is usually done to compensate for a big loss triggered by a major move, but it is highly unwise.

    It is a gross mistake to over-trade. Even if the market offers you many opportunities it is best to not exceed more than three active trades at a time. When you have more positions to manage the risks are also multiplied. If all the trades were to go against you for some reason, you would be in big trouble.

    Finally, there can be no substitute for research. To trade well, make it a point to keep yourself well-informed about the latest events happening in the crypto world.

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