3 Things To Consider When Choosing Web Hosting

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    By Partner EditorialsMay 13, 2020, 9:18 am1.3k pts

    Anyone who is building a website has at least one thing in common. You need to find good web hosting before you can even get started. Without web hosting, a website is a non-starter. And yet, it is something many people take for granted. It is seen as merely an administrative matter, a box that needs to be checked.

    web hosting server

    The reality however is that the wrong web hosting can be incredibly damaging for your website. Many people have gone with the first hosting provider that came up on a Google search, assuming popularity correlated with effectiveness. They have had to deal with unreliability, bad customer service, and regular website crashes.

    Choosing web hosting should not be difficult, but it does require a bit of thought. Here are 3 things you need to consider when choosing web hosting.

    Reliability: Expert and customer reviews

    Reliability is by far the most important factor to look at when choosing web hosting. All websites have occasional downtime, but this should be the rare exception to the rule. Websites which regularly crash not only loose visitors now, but get a bad SEO score and don't come up in search results.

    Read expert reviews to find out just how reliable a hosting provider is. They will look at the statistics and give a solid idea of how often websites with this provider go down and how long they stay down.

    But don't stop at expert reviews. Stats only tell part of the story. Only other clients can tell you how the provider reacted to downtime, whether their customer support was up to scratch or basically absent. With web hosting, you can feel quite helpless, so it is crucial that customer support always comes through.

    Security protocols

    In this day and age, you need to know how to make your website secure. Cybercrime has become increasingly common. If your website is not secure, you open your clients up to fraud, identity theft, and more. Their browsers will warn them before taking them to your website, and search engines will give you a low ranking.

    Good web hosting places a priority on security. Websites are hosted with a security protocol in place. Updates are constantly provided to ensure your website always stays one step ahead of hackers. You need hosting that is secure enough for visitors to feel comfortable providing personal information when necessary.

    Cloud hosting

    Using hosting that relies on space on one physical server is a somewhat outdated approach. Storing your website in the cloud should be a given in 2020. When using cloud hosting, your data is stored across a range of physical servers, meaning access should not be limited or slowed due to one server in one location failing.

    Cloud hosting is slightly more expensive than other types of hosting, but the benefits are worth it. Your website will run faster in other parts of the world, because of the proximity of certain servers. You can always rely on crashes being dealt with rapidly, with alternative servers coming into play.

    Choose your hosting wisely. It is the first fundamental decision you need to make, and you should have all the relevant information before doing so. Apart from all this you should look for a web host who can provide you dedicated support for your hosting queries and other complex IT tasks such as SharePoint Online Tenant to Tenant Migration or Gmail to Exchange Migration etc.

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