Turned Down for Apple Finance? Here are 6 More Options to Consider

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    Jun 23, 2020, 3:10 pm1.5k ptsHot

    Are you super keen to get your hands on an iPhone 11 or iPhone 11 Pro, but you have been turned down for Apple finance?

    Don't despair. You do have other options. In fact, you have quite a few other options, one of which is bound to suit your requirements and current financial situation.

    From utilizing your overdraft (what else is it there for?) to taking out a loan to asking your current mobile carrier about its available finance plans, keep reading to discover six more credit options to consider if you have been turned down for Apple finance.

    iPhone 11 display

    Take out a short-term loan

    If you have a bad credit score and struggle to get credit elsewhere, bad credit payday loans could be the solution to your problem. These companies offer short-term loans that can be paid back in a matter of months, so you can enjoy fast approval and quick access to your money. Plus, you can apply and get approved online, meaning you don't even have to leave the comfort of your home to get your hands on the latest must-have Apple product.

    Use your overdraft

    If you are in the lucky position to not already be way into your overdraft at the start of every month, you could purchase your preferred Apple device using your day-to-day bank account.

    This is a good option if you have an interest-free or low-interest overdraft and you have sufficient funds to cover the full cost of preferred phone or device.

    Take advantage of the iPhone trade-up program

    Although this will not cover the total cost of your new Apple purchase, it can help to lessen the financial burden of such an expensive (but worth it!) purchase. If you already have an iPhone or other smartphone, Apple will allow you to trade in your old device for up to $600, which you can use to partly fund your new one.

    Apple now even allow you to trade in your old Mac devices.

    Put it on your credit card

    Another good option for some, if you have sufficient credit on your credit card or cards to cover the cost of your new purchase, then why not use it? That being said, if you have a high interest rate on your credit card and you do not think you will be able to cover the cost of the monthly repayments, this may not be the best solution for you.

    You do not want to take on unmanageable debt, even for the new iPhone.

    Ask your current mobile carrier

    Just because Apple has turned you down for credit, that doesn't necessarily mean that your current mobile carrier will as well. Whether you are with T-Mobile, Verizon, or Sprint, carrier financing usually comes with an interest-free period of up to 24 months, and you will most likely have to make a one-time payment at the checkout to receive your new phone.

    Beg, borrow, or . . .

    Well, not steal, but you get the idea. If you really want the new iPhone but aren't too keen on more traditional borrowing methods, your only other option is to ask your friends and family for a loan. Interest-free, of course! Take a look around online some sites will let you apply and get approved online.

    Whether you sweeten the pill by saying it's an early birthday present or you express how much you need this new device for work purposes, do whatever you can to persuade your loved ones to help you cover the cost of the new must-have Apple device.

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