How to Use Classroom Apps Effectively

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    By Partner EditorialsMar 17, 2021, 8:48 am5.9k ptsInsanely Great

    Classroom apps can accelerate learners' productivity in different ways. Even though education gradually absorbs technological novelties' benefits, you can see how learning platforms, special apps, and digital material favor better information ingestion already. However, do you know how to organize a study process effectively using classroom apps? This article explains how to do it.

    people in classroom around MacBook

    Define Your Expectations and Goals

    Every task presupposes strict step-by-step instruction to prevent mistakes and achieve the best possible result. You must always understand what you are expecting from this or that course, topic, and assignment. Having the image of your perfect lesson and the goals you are pursuing, you can see how a specific application is handy.

    For instance, if you are not good at essay writing, you would like to have some assistance. Thus, the best essay writing services can be a solution. In the case with the classroom apps, these can help the lesson participants acquire new knowledge by applying interactive tools. Some applications allow you to train specific skills, work in groups, or improve collaboration between a tutor and students. Thus, decide what you need and choose an app.

    Finally, the goals and expectations should not be something off-world and idealized. It would help if you considered the current knowledge level of your learners and their skills. It would be reasonable to utilize the tools that correspond to the technical skills of students. If you see that an app is worth using, then an introductory lecture on the app can be a good idea.

    Examples of the Apps' Use

    You can use apps for different purposes. Young people are more related to gadgets and can quickly engage in the learning process to try diverse apps. It would be fair to say that technology impacts students' attitude towards the study process in general. Specifically, some applications aim at students, others are for tutors, and there are also complex solutions for everyone related to e-learning.

    Here are several effective apps research paper writer could use for the everyday learning routine.

    Google Tour Creator for Visualization

    Modern schools and colleges can give a lot to young learners in terms of knowledge. However, it is hard to imagine an institution where students can choose to go to another continent to enjoy sightseeing and attend famous museums just like that. An illustrated material accompanied with your explanation allows learners to get audio-visual content and better ingest information.

    Using Google Tour Creator, tutors can make their private virtual-reality trip. The app fits well in diverse subjects. Although, history classes and geography can be especially stunning. Students can develop such useful habits as collaboration while helping each other during the tour creation. You can share the videos with others and watch them via Google Cardboard.

    Padlet for Quick Interaction

    Discussion is an integral part of a learning process. Whether an instructor wants to communicate with the class or the task is for students to debate, the Padlet technology can be useful here. Padlet is a digital board that allows participants to create a new discussion and "pin" it.

    Padlet can be helpful when studying new material as well. For instance, a teacher asks students to name the writing assignment types they know already and their features. The learners, in their turn, can add sticky notes for every new idea they have. The colors for questions and answers always match; therefore, it is easy to track learners' responses.

    Google Drive for Learning Process Acceleration

    Google Drive is convenient, accessible, and everybody already uses it. It is possible to accelerate the entire assignment process and reduce paper usage. Teachers can create forms, upload, and share the material with all learners. As for students, they can also use the cloud-based application to do their homework and share it with an instructor.

    Moreover, it is easy to check students' works with Google Drive. You can leave the comments, ask questions, and reply to learners' inquiries right in the Google documents. Thus, students have teachers' support all the time. It is the effective use of a classroom app that benefits all the parties, as the only thing a person needs is a PC, laptop, or even a smartphone. Besides, no one has to drag a pile of books and notebooks home.

    Kahoot! for Quizzes

    All studies and no playing can make any student dull, and here is where the Kahoot! app comes in handy! Such applications allow diversifying the learning routine by mixing it up with fun games. Some may think that quizzes and games are more characteristic of the younger learners, however, it is a profound mistake.

    Teachers can try adding audio material, memes, videos, or infographics to their quizzes to engage students in the process. When the quiz is completed, the entire class can check the right answers through the shared screen. What is more, the learners themselves can create quizzes for their mates. The app is free, which is a big plus.

    Remind 101 to Stay in Touch With Parents

    While there are so many applications for improving the study process, you cannot but mention technologies that favor teacher-parents communication. Parents are as critical in a child's education as all the teachers in school and college. Therefore, teachers should also consider the most comfortable and effective app to stay in touch with students and their parents.

    Remind 101 is a great example of how all three parties can interact. With the program's help, a student will get notifications regarding an upcoming test, due date, and all the home assignments for a week. As for the parents, they will receive some results regarding a kid's progress and have an opportunity to chat with a teacher.


    Effective use of a classroom app depends on how well a teacher defines the goal and expectations from its implementation. There are many programs to fit the needs, tastes, and financial opportunities of everyone. Therefore, the major idea is to know exactly whether you need an app for a particular activity or a complex solution to upgrade the entire study process.

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