Top 6 White Noise Apps

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    Aug 4, 2021, 10:44 am1.1k ptsHot

    Many people are familiar with the situation when, despite being tired, you can't sleep half the night. As a result, you start reading a book or playing PlayAmo casino Canada and feel tired in the morning. And these white noise apps allow you to get rid of this problem.

    Relax Melodies: Sleep Sounds

    This app will provide a bedtime story guided meditation along with some nature sound effects, or white noise clips. In other words, your bedtime story will be accompanied by soothing sound waves and healing melodies.

    The app offers childishly whimsical and beautifully drawn images, as well as audio, and video to help you relax. The premium version contains a more extensive library.

    White Noise Deep Sleep Sounds

    This white noise app is extremely comfortable and contains a large library of soothing noises and sounds.

    The app is suitable for use by both adults who suffer from insomnia and infants who find it difficult to adhere to proper sleep patterns. A full night's sleep is essential at any age, as it guarantees a good start to the day and the ability to solve various problems.

    This white noise app has a large collection of nature, spa and meditation sounds to help improve the quality of sleep and start the day more rested.

    Sleep Sounds by Sleep Pillow

    Sleep Sounds has a more limited library than some other white noise apps. However, it is an ideal basic white noise app for those who are not interested in a lot of unusual features because it offers exceptionally high quality sound.

    Although only about 10 types are included in the free version, it contains some of the most commonly used white noise effects, such as rainforest sounds, light rain and beach waves. The premium version of the app offers sound mixing packages that allow you to add additional audio clips to the list.


    The Tide app stands out from other sleep offerings with its absolutely stunning user interface. Its sounds are incredibly beautiful and act as soothing as white noise, and the perfect beauty of this app's design will give the user a relaxing effect that is sure to affect sleep quality.

    Besides white noise, Tide also offers users other features to help maintain their daily schedule, such as an exercise timer, meditation, breathing modes, and a diary to help track their progress. Sleep and productive activities found the perfect combination here.


    The myNoise app focuses on sound quality and includes an assortment of only the best audio clips. The user's introduction to the app begins with a personal check of current hearing quality. As a person ages, their hearing quality deteriorates, and the app adjusts the pitch and volume to ensure optimal sound quality for each user.

    Once checked, the user is given a wide range of sound choices to create the perfect symphony of white noise. You can also use headphones to hear sleep sounds in the best quality.

    Fan Noise Sleep Sounds

    If you're used to falling asleep to the noise of the fan in your bedroom, this app will help you fall asleep by playing it wherever you rest at night.

    This app is perfect for vacations, work trips, and camping trips because it makes you feel comfortable, and you don't have to pay attention to the new background noise that keeps you from falling asleep.


    White noise apps on the iPhone let you turn our home into a dreamy sanctuary with a sonic escape to a deserted tropical beach or rainy forest. Helping us fall asleep at night is just one of the daily uses of these apps.

    They can be considered one of the best methods to help you focus, and even get a bedtime story. Consistency is the key to success, and once you manage to find the perfect white noise app on your iPhone, you can immediately see an improvement with the sleep tracking features.

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