Casino Dealers in Australia: How Much Can You Make?

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    Feb 6, 2023, 9:01 am1.7k ptsInteresting

    Have you ever thought about working in a casino? The task might look like fun. Being a casino dealer might seem like the perfect role if you're the best online casino Australia often or want to work in the gaming industry.

    casino dealer

    When you think about all the good things about the idea, like being able to use the casino more often than you normally would and getting paid to do something you like, it's hard not to like it.

    But how much do casino dealers in Australia make in salaries? This article will tell you everything you need to know about casino dealers, including the tips, benefits, and cost of becoming a casino dealer in Australia.

    Casino Dealer Job Description

    A dealer, also called a croupier or games dealer, runs a game table and keeps an eye on how the game is played. In some casinos, they are paid for their service every hour, which is one of the many benefits of this role.

    Their role could mean explaining the game's rules to customers, giving out playing cards, chips, and other equipment, making sure everyone plays fairly, and paying out bets and prizes to the winners, while generally aiding casinos away from money laundering, especially in the light of renewed AML reforms.

    Croupiers are trained people who work in casinos and run games like blackjack, roulette wheel, baccarat, and poker. Most of the time, they work in casinos, which are often part of hotels or other places where people go to have fun.

    They must be at least 21 years old and have either a high school diploma or a GED (GED). Some companies in the gambling industry only hire people who have been to gaming schools and have a gaming license or certification.

    Since most casinos are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the shifts of gaming dealers can vary a lot. They must have great people and communication skills because they work with people from the general public. They must also be able to quickly and correctly do math calculations.

    Average Salary

    An Australian casino dealer can make up to $48,439 annually, which is $23 an hour. On top of that, they get a bonus of up to $3,638. Estimates of salaries are based on information from a salary survey that was done in Sydney, Australia.

    Employers and employees filled out the survey anonymously. A casino dealer makes approximately up to $42,246 in their first year of employment. This is true for dealers who have been in business for 1-3 years. On the other hand, a senior-level casino dealer needs at least eight years of experience and makes up to $57,502 per year.

    Tips on How to Become a Casino Dealer

    The following tips will show you how to become a casino dealer:

    1. Attend a training program. A traineeship is a great way to learn how to work as a casino dealer. A lot of businesses that sell games offer training classes that take place in a realistic setting. This could allow you to work with experienced game dealers and learn important skills for this role, such as techniques for winning at poker.
    2. Fill out an application to get a license. Depending on where you live and work, you might need a license to be a game dealer in a casino. You can apply for a license by filling out an online form, sending in the required paperwork, and paying the fee. You might want to include a copy of your credit report, a passport-sized photo of yourself, and a certificate saying you have no criminal record. Since you have a license, you can work as a dealer in a casino without putting your customers in danger or breaking the rules. You may have to renew this license after a certain amount of time.
    3. Prepare your resume. If you don't learn how to be a dealer through an apprenticeship, making a CV may help you get your first role. You should change your CV for each employment application to show that you are qualified. For example, if a potential employer is looking for someone who knows how to play a certain game, like blackjack, you could put that on your resume under "skills". If you don't have much hands-on experience, you should work on other skills, like verbal communication, that are important for dealing in casinos.

    You can also talk about roles you've had that show you're a good fit for the task, like working in a hotel or another employment that requires good customer service. Some dealers may get full-time roles at the same company where they did their internship, while others may look for other opportunities. You can use the benefits of online job boards to look for nearby employment opportunities.

    1. Improve your skill set. Croupiers who have worked with many different kinds of gambling games in the past are more likely to get employments in casinos. You might start by being good at popular games, but as you get better, you can learn and master new skills. You could look for ways to study on the job or take more courses in a certain trading area to learn more about it. Craps is a game that requires both mental and physical skills and good customer service. Other games, like baccarat, poker, and keno, may help you advance your career in a foreign country or find work in a wider range of situations.

    Casino Dealer Skills

    The following are some skills that may be useful in your profession as a dealer:

    • Great customer service. In this field, this is a very valuable skill. Dealers can talk to seasoned gamblers and people who have never played before. Croupiers who are good at what they do can make the experience fun and useful for their customers. Another important part of their job is to stay calm and knowledgeable when dealing with possible customer disagreements.
    • Detail oriented. It is possible, but not necessary, to pay close attention to every detail for gambling games to run smoothly and fairly. It might make it easier to handle bets and exchange money for chips at the table. Also, strict monitoring could ensure that players follow each game's rules. For instance, if a player tries to trade one card for another, the croupier may pay attention.
    • Excellent communication skills. Casino dealers may need to learn how to talk in a way that is both easy to understand and interesting. As part of their roles, they have to explain how each game is played, and comment as the action continues. Customers are more likely to be happy if the answers they get to their questions are clear and short.
    • Both mental and physical strength. In all games, a dealer needs to be able to pay close attention and keep a high level of physical and mental endurance. Complex gambling is often played quickly, so the dealer has to be constantly aware of the chance that a player will make a mistake or try to get an unfair advantage. Because casinos are often open after normal business hours, croupiers must have the physical and mental stamina to work through the night while keeping their jobs exciting and interesting.


    How do people who work in casinos make a living?

    Croupiers are often needed in casinos, usually inside or close to other places to have fun, like hotels, cruise ships, and other similar places.

    Since most casinos are in cities, finding work in a city may be easier than in a rural area or a smaller town. There may be employment opportunities worldwide, especially in cities with a long gaming history.

    Are formal qualifications required to operate as a dealer?

    Almost all people who sell games for a living get formal training, either as apprentices or by taking a few short courses. Even though some companies might not require a formal qualification, you might need a casino license to get a role. A license shows you know how to do your task and understand the rules. Usually, the state or territory where you live will decide if you need a license to gamble in a casino.

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