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Jul 27, 2023, 3:07 pm1.2k ptsThe role of apps in our lives is increasing day by day. It is hard to imagine a person who does not have any of them. That is why app development has become a great direction for business growth.
Every company that wants to do development needs experts who can help with this. You can't entrust this task to just anyone, because then the result will definitely disappoint you. For example, lampa.dev thoroughly studies resume and checks the skills of each candidate. So what should you do to find the right specialist to help you develop? Let's talk about it.
Simple Steps You Should Take to Achieve Results
Your mobile app is something that is directly affected by the developer's work. It is thanks to him that a project can reach the top or fail miserably. The search for a specialist is complicated by the fact that there are many unqualified people on the market who try to pass themselves off as professionals. We have prepared some tips to help you make the right choice.
Figure Out Your Goals and Budget
There's a reason we put this advice at the top of the list because it's the budget that affects so many things. Think about the scale of your project, and estimate how much time a specialist needs to spend on working with it. It is also important to decide on the system on which the application will work (for example, iOS or Android, or both at once - in this case, the work will cost more). Also, be sure to decide how much maximum money you are willing to pay for this or that result. After that, you can move on to the next stage.
Decide Whether You Want to Work With a Freelancer or a Development Lab
You can choose one of these options or look in both places. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. If we're talking about finding a freelancer, here are the advantages:
- Lower prices. Freelancers charge for their work without markup on the company's work.
- A wide range of search locations. You can visit exchanges like Upwork or Fiverr, where hundreds of users are looking for work.
This option is good for companies or individuals who are well-versed in app development. For those who have no experience, it is not a good fit. You will not be able to assess the candidate's skill level, which may cause problems later on.
As for labs, this option is just fine for those who don't have any development experience. In such labs, specialists are always pre-selected, so the chances of encountering an unqualified employee are very low. However, cooperation with a lab has a disadvantage in the form of a higher price.
Look Up Testimonials and Portfolios for Popular Developers
Many business owners wonder where to find out the skill level of a specialist. Testimonials are a great option that can help you. Better than those users who have already cooperated with the developer, no one will be able to evaluate him. Pay attention to what clients say about meeting deadlines and the overall quality of work, as well as how pleasant it is to communicate with the specialist.
We also encourage you to check out the portfolio. Even if you don't have much experience in development, you will be able to open an application that a potential employee has created and evaluate it from the user's point of view.
Discuss Your Project
Without personally talking to the developer, you can't be exactly sure that they will do your project well, so you should contact them and ask a few questions. In addition to professional skills, you will also be able to understand how easy and comfortable it is for you to communicate with this specialist. Here are some questions that you can ask:
- How much time will it take for the developer to fully accomplish your project objectives?
- Can you expect technical support when the project is complete?
- Can the developer help with the design, or does he/she only deal with the technical part?
- What is the testing process like?
- What is the developer's preferred method of payment: for a specific stage or upon completion of all work?
- Is the developer ready to sign a formal contract?
This last point is very important, as it is your insurance against unforeseen circumstances. Most often, when cooperating with a lab, you don't have to worry about drafting a contract, because most companies have templates. If you decide to cooperate with a freelancer, you will most likely have to prepare it yourself.
Essential Skills Every App Developer Should Have
Let's start with programming skills. When seeking an app developer for your startup, ensure that you engage someone proficient in popular programming languages such as Java, Kotlin, C#, Objective-C, or Swift. Project management skills are also very important. Avoid hiring individuals who constantly require guidance and supervision. Look for app developers who can work autonomously and efficiently without constant hand-holding.
Of course, the technical skills that the specialist possesses will be important to you. To ensure a smooth workflow, it is advisable to hire a person who is comfortable with basic technology, such as mobile devices and internet connections. It is preferable to avoid developers who frequently rely on IT assistance for simple tasks. Competent programmers should possess skills in cross-platform development and website integration, enabling them to handle diverse project requirements efficiently.
Wrapping Up
Finding the right developer can take a lot of time, but if you want a great result, it's worth taking a responsible approach to the process. Be diligent, assess skills and comfort in communication, and only then make a decision.