Has The iPad Made Laptops Obsolete?

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    Dec 27, 2023, 9:29 am1.5k pts

    iPad holding person

    According to recent industry statistics, nearly 589 million iPads have been sold since this product was first introduced in 2012. Not only are these some of the most popular portable devices on the planet, but regular upgrades help to ensure that users are always provided with the latest technological innovations. This has obviously led some to question whether or not the iPad has rendered traditional laptops obsolete. Is it reasonable to draw such a conclusion? Let's first examine some benefits exclusive to the iPad before discussing how they stack up to laptops.

    The Advantages of Owning an iPad

    Convenience is arguably one of the main reasons why consumers choose to purchase an iPad. The developers at Apple fully appreciate that many of us lead busy lives. As a result, they have created a product that is lightweight and easy to transport (qualities that are not always as easy to achieve in terms of standard laptop computers). iPads are also quite durable and capable of withstanding a fair amount of damage.

    Furthermore, iPads are often associated with more affordable price points when compared to laptop computers. Users who are governed by a tight budget might, therefore, prefer these smaller devices, as high-end laptops can easily cost well over €1,500 euros. In terms of sheer financial practicality alone, iPads might represent the most logical options.

    Speaking of universal functionality, larger touchscreens (boasting dimensions of up to 12.9 inches) are just as ideal for playing live card games as they are for pasting text, chatting with friends or shopping for the latest fashion accessories. The larger display makes manipulating the virtual cards within a blackjack deck to clicking on a suite during a game of solitaire easier, as touch screens provide a tactical edge that is impossible to get with laptops. Multitasking is more efficient as well, allowing for easier manipulation of text and smoother navigation through social media platforms. Moreover, the high-resolution screens offer a superior visual experience, making online shopping, especially for fashion items, more engaging as users can see products in finer detail.

    Battery life is a final point to mention. Most modern iPads can last for up to ten hours before they need to be recharged. This is another important concern when away from the home or the office. Laptops do not often provide this longevity.

    Do Not Count Out the Humble Laptop Just Yet

    We can now see that iPads provide several user-friendly benefits within a decidedly streamlined package. However, laptop computers are not necessarily destined for the digital scrap heap anytime soon. It is important to note that most modern laptops are equipped with more onboard memory; enabling them to support complex functions without sacrificing processing speeds.

    Compatibility is another concern that may separate iPads from laptops. Some types of software are incompatible with iOS. This has caused problems in the past when attempting to install certain applications that would otherwise work seamlessly with laptop computers. A somewhat limited app library has, therefore, caused some users to remain loyal to the laptop marketplace.

    All About End-User Requirements

    There is little doubt that iPads are extremely popular devices thanks to the advantages mentioned above. However, laptops can still represent powerful tools. This is ultimately determined by the intended use. Individuals who are inherently more familiar with iOS systems could likewise prefer iPads over laptop computers. Either way, both of these devices will continue to feature prominently within the digital domain for years to come.

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