4 Reasons Why a Fixed SEO Cost Model Isn't For You

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    May 21, 2021, 9:16 am2.6k ptsInteresting

    There was a time when opting for SEO services bundled into a package for one rate made a lot of sense. Like many things to do with the Internet and maintaining a presence in a competitive environment, the days when this type of cost model works is gone. In fact, some would say that the fixed SEO cost model doesn't work anymore for anyone. That includes business owners with local operations to owners who have multinational enterprises. Why is the model outdated? Here are some thoughts to ponder.

    The Elements Included in a Fixed Package

    It's been said that the world is turning faster as time goes on. While that may not be true with the earth's rotation, it does apply to all things related to the Internet and Internet commerce. What's commonplace today was unheard of a few years ago. This is actually one reason that fixed models are not as practical as they were in years past.

    Most SEO packages come with a defined suite of services and support. That's great, but they tend to be basic services and there are limits on the support. Depending on your business model, some of what's in the basic package won't apply to you. The result is that you have to go outside the package to get other things that you need to remain competitive as the landscape changes.

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    The Need to Meet Evolving Needs in a Changing Environment

    As the major search engines change how they crawl pages and what merits a higher ranking, the methods used to attract that positive attention has changed. As more innovations take place, new strategies emerge to make the most of those innovations. There's no way to account for those in any kind of fixed cost package.

    A better approach is to have an open-ended plan that makes it easy to add or remove elements as the need arises. It's still possible to control the cost and fit it into the company budget. The difference is that you don't end up with additional costs in order to stay on top of what the search engines are changing.

    Paying Only For What You Use

    Most business owners frown on paying for services that provide no real benefits or that they don't even use. This is something you would never consider when it comes to things like purchasing office supplies or company vehicles. Why would you tolerate paying for SEO services that you never use?

    Given the shifting nature of SEO best practices, a fixed model is likely to leave you paying for services that you no longer need or will never use again. It makes more sense to work with a professional to create a custom suite of services that you can review and update from time to time. The result is that every element of your SEO support is being used on a regular basis.

    Being Positioned to Take Advantage of the Next Big Thing

    Freedom is what you achieve be having a plan for SEO that's flexible and capable of adapting as the need arises. With the major search engines making changes on a continual basis, the way to make the most of the new order of things also evolves. You want to be in a position to exploit those changes rather than have them erode your traffic and rankings. A flexible cost package for SEO makes this easier to maintain.

    Are you ready to explore new options with your SEO services and support? Call today and talk with an expert. You'll find that our SEO people is the major asset that we bring to the table. Best of all, we can help you come up with an approach that serves you well today and is flexible enough to continue serving you in the years to come.

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